Why I’m quitting a good job, in the middle of a pandemic, with my first kid on the way, to pursue my passion for financial advising

As I began to share with family, friends, and coworkers that I was changing careers to become a financial advisor a common question they asked was, “why?” or “why now?”. I think I knew on some level the answers to these questions but having to actually explain “why” out loud clarified for me what motivated this change and made me more and more confident I was on the right path.

  1. I want to be able to see the impact my work has. I truly believe Steelcase and my work there has helped contribute to more inspiring work environments, but it can be hard for that to feel immediate or personal. For me, seeing the direct impact of helping people attain their goals and plan their financial futures will be more fulfilling.

  2. Doing something I’m truly passionate about will bring out the best in me. I’m conscientious and hard-working regardless of what I’m doing, but I also know I’m at my best when doing something I really care about and enjoy.

  3. I realized I had no control in the corporate world. A lot of people and companies had to do whatever it took to get by in 2020. I think Steelcase handled things as well as they could! But project cuts, people cuts, and being told how many hours you’ll work and where puts your lack of control in the corporate world into clear focus.

  4. Change will only get harder. I certainly won’t have more time or energy once kids are part of the equation! That plus inertia makes me believe a leap like this will only get harder the longer I wait.

  5. I never wanted to wonder “what if?” 

If I’m honest with myself, there are a lot of “I’s” and “wants” there. In many ways “pursuing a passion” does feel selfish and privileged, especially this year. Because of that I’m even more grateful for a supportive wife who encouraged me to get serious about pursuing this new career when she could have told me to be practical and keep a reliable job with a salary. I’m also thankful for family, friends, and coworkers who have offered encouraging words when they could have discouraged me or rolled their eyes. Thanks for being part of my team!

Lastly, thank-you to Fiduciary Financial Advisors for taking me on… I’m so excited to be joining an independent local firm that is doing things the right way! I never would have made this leap if it wasn’t to join something I really believe in.

Have you made or thought about a big change during 2020? Would be nice to know I’m not the only one!