Why Should I Care About Volatility?

When most investors think about volatility, they think about riding a roller coaster or a wave. They know the path of more volatile portfolios has a larger amplitude than smaller portfolios but the additional risk may lead to higher returns over time. While many investors think about how bumpy the ride may be, not many investors consider the variability of outcome that comes with higher volatility.  

In the first episode, we saw how diversifying across a basket of companies can lead to a portfolio that has similar expected return with less volatility than investing in a single company. In this episode, we will take a look at why that matters and how that lower volatility can lead to a higher probability of success in your financial plan.

The data included in this video was obtained from Portfolio Visualizer’s Monte Carlo simulation tool found here.

I am passionate about helping people improve the efficiency of their finances!
— Andy Cole

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